Ongoing evolution of the virus due to lack of herd immunity and immune pressure from the population • 0:09 Concerns...

Ongoing evolution of the virus due to lack of herd immunity and immune pressure from the population • 0:09 Concerns...
Geert's extensive background in virology and vaccine development. • 1:32 His concerns about mass vaccination during a...
Mass vaccination during a pandemic led to immune escape in COVID-19. • 0:31 Evolution of new variants started with...
Unvaccinated individuals may be becoming complacent with natural immunity. • 0:29 Shift in perspective from criticism of unvaccinated to recognition of natural immunity. • 1:56 Concern about unvaccinated cohort feeling smug due to reliance on natural immunity. • 2:21...
Dr. McMillan has been focused on COVID-19 and altered immunity since early 2020. • 0:04 He had a significant discussion with Gert vanen Bosch in early 2021, which had a major impact on many people's perspectives. • 0:37 Gert vanen Bosch predicts a new variant that...