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Introduction of speakers and panelists for a conference on innovative solutions for Long Covid.
  • Speakers and panelists introduced for the upcoming conference. 0:09

  • Tim, a retired GP with interest in chronic fatigue syndrome, introduced. 0:54

  • Annette, from the Netherlands, mentioned her background. 1:45

Innovative solutions for long Covid explored by a diverse team of medical professionals.
  • Research on disease mechanisms and finding solutions for long Covid challenges. 01:52

  • Focus on treating patients while conducting research at a Dutch institute. 02:07

  • Exploring treatment of long Covid from a hypertensive activity perspective. 02:31

  • Investigating immunopathogenesis of acute and long Covid for precision medicine treatment. 03:04

  • Biochemist and physiology professor with interest in enzymology contributing to innovative solutions. 03:32

Research on ACE2 enzyme in lungs and its relevance to COVID-19 discussed by panelists.
  • Panelist shares 16 years of study on ACE2 enzyme in lungs. 3:48

  • ACE2 enzyme studied for its function in normal lung physiology and injury. 4:06

  • Panelist unintentionally became sought-after for knowledge on ACE2 in COVID-19. 4:13

  • Excitement expressed for upcoming event on Saturday. 4:25

  • Viewers thanked for watching the broadcast in preparation for the event. 4:40