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Understanding the importance of acknowledging past mistakes and learning from them for a better future.
  • People may want to move on to avoid facing the truth of past mistakes and misinformation. 0:00

  • Acknowledging past mistakes can be psychologically destabilizing for individuals who trusted authority figures. 1:07

  • Learning from the past is crucial to prevent repeating the same mistakes in the future. 1:27

  • The Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa serves as a model for accepting past situations and ensuring they do not recur. 1:55

  • Mediation processes often focus on preventing similar incidents from happening again to others. 2:50

Understanding the psychological impact of fear, shame, and guilt during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Leaders facing challenges in decision-making due to self-preservation instinct. 3:03

  • Uncertainty in the minds of individuals leading to hesitation in taking necessary step. 3:11

  • Potential stalling and censorship leading to conflicting strategies among leader. 3:58

  • Consideration of escalation vs. de-escalation in response to the crisi. 4:24

  • Complexities involving admitting fault, corporate interests, and government response. 5:00

  • Emotional factors like fear, shame, and guilt influencing behavioral change. 6:00

Impact of unethical psychology on population behavior during pandemic.
  • People influenced by social disapproval and authority figures. 6:33

  • Short-term fixes may lead to long-term consequences. 6:55

  • Population reluctance to accept being misled or manipulated. 7:20

  • Fear of repercussions hindering open discussion and truth-sharing. 7:35

  • Potential societal shift and need for exploration and preparation. 8:35

  • Challenges in clinical practice related to shame, guilt, and fear. 9:57

Impact of societal denial on growth, individual responsibility, and governance in facing difficult truths.
  • Societal denial leads to fear, shame, and guilt, hindering growth and dialogue. 9:28

  • Suppressing difficult truths may result in learned behavior of avoiding the truth. 10:31

  • Avoiding dialogue and processing emotions stifles individual and societal growth. 11:20

  • Fear of speaking up leads to stagnant thinking and lack of evolution in perspectives. 11:35

  • Labeling and name-calling inhibit open and free discussion, hindering the shift in perspectives. 12:04

Importance of active listening in overcoming fear and entrenched positions during the pandemic.
  • Words like ‘antivaxers’ can create division and hinder productive conversations. 12:29

  • Fear of reprisals and job security can contribute to people being stuck in their viewpoints. 13:14

  • Mediation can help in moving forward and resolving conflicts effectively. 13:29

  • Encouraging more listening than speaking can lead to a shift in everyone’s position. 14:06