Analysis of potential outcomes for vaccinated individuals upon first exposure to Covid-19.
Exploring patterns of severe disease in vaccinated individuals compared to unvaccinated. • 0:44
Importance of understanding disease patterns to improve treatment modalities and save lives. • 0:59
Concerns about potential autoimmune responses in the vaccinated population upon re-exposure. • 2:06
Challenges faced in developing a vaccine for previous coronaviruses like SARS. • 3:03
Significance of challenge studies to assess vaccine efficacy in real-world scenarios. • 4:03
Impact of Covid-19 Vaccination in New Zealand and the Rise in Infections and Deaths
Challenge studies play a crucial role in assessing vaccine effectivenes. • 4:52
Understanding immune response and potential immune pathology post-vaccination is crucia. • 5:08
Vaccinated population in New Zealand reached high levels, yet infections and deaths increase. • 7:54
Vaccine did not fully prevent transmission as infections rose post-vaccinatio. • 8:05
Deaths in New Zealand showed a rise, raising questions about the mechanism of deat. • 9:01
Importance of investigating vaccinated deaths and understanding pathology to prevent future outbreaks.
Investigating excess deaths in highly vaccinated regions is crucial for understanding the pathology of the virus. • 9:20
Politicians need to prioritize scientific investigation over political gains to save lives and prevent future outbreaks. • 9:38
Comparing vaccination impact on severe COVID-19 vs. excess mortality is essential for assessing effectiveness. • 10:06
Papua New Guinea’s low death rate with minimal vaccination highlights the importance of thorough scientific analysis. • 10:32
Autopsies are crucial for understanding the pathology of the disease and preparing for potential future variants. • 12:06